[열 물리학 16] Entropy as a Logrithm

2021. 12. 26. 23:47열 물리학



Entropy as a Logrithm (엔트로피는 왜 로그인가?)


(1) Entropy of two independent system is the sum of the separate entropy



엔트로피 계산은 곱이 아니라 덧셈인 장점이 있다.



2) Entropy is insensitive to the precision $\delta u ~[\delta u \bullet \delta t \sim \hbar ]$

$\vartheta(u)$ : # of accessible state per unit energy range. (density of state- 고체물리학 참고)

[# of accessible state per unit energy between $u$and $u +\delta u$]

For N spin system, total number of state $2^N$, total energy $N  \times  \triangle $

( $ \triangle$ : average energy per particle)




->precision $\delta u$ negligible effect
